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Lock-free VS lock-based



1、stackoverflow What is lock-free multithreaded programming? # A

It is worth noting that in general lock-free programming trades(交换) throughput and mean latency throughput for predictable latency. That is, a lock-free program will usually get less done than a corresponding locking program if there is not too much contention (since atomic operations are slow and affect a lot of the rest of the system), but it guarantees to never produce unpredictably large latencies.

NOTE: 上面这段话的表明意思是: "值得注意的是,一般来说,无锁编程用吞吐量和平均延迟吞吐量交换可预测延迟。也就是说,如果没有太多的争用(因为原子操作很慢,并且会影响系统的其他部分),那么无锁程序通常比相应的锁定程序完成的工作要少,但是它保证不会产生不可预测的大延迟。"

1、lock-free programming 以 throughout 和 mean latency throughout 来换取 predictable latency。

2、lock-free 不一定比 lock-base 要慢: 当没有太多的thread contention的时候,lock-based的性能可能更佳。

2、arangodb Comparison: Lockless programming with atomics in C++ 11 vs. mutex and RW-locks

Methods tested

Here is a list of the implemented algorithms with explanations:

  • Read: reads the current value and increases control counter
  • Write: reads the old value, increases it and writes it back
  • Set: writes a loop counter into the protected variable

0: Unlocked

1: Mutexes

2: Writelock / Writelock

3: Writelock / Readlock

4: Atomic Read & Write

5: Atomic Read “consume”, Atomic Set “release” for setting

6: Atomic Read “acquire”, Atomic Set “release” for setting

7: Atomic Read “consume”, Atomic Set “cst – consistent” for setting

8: Atomic Read “acquire”, Atomic Set “cst – consistent” for setting

9: Atomic Read “consume”, Atomic Set “relaxed” for setting

10: Atomic Read “acquire”, Atomic Set “relaxed” for setting

11: Atomic Read “Acquire”, Atomic exchange weak for writing

12: Atomic Read “consume”, Atomic exchange weak for writing

Test Results

Heres a table of the time in s the tests took to execute:

#0 0.033 0.0300119 0.02503 0.18299 0.02895
#1 479.878 5.7003600 118.47100 21.29970 4.47721
#2 1.45997 4.5296900 142.61700 23.29240 4.72051
#3 4.70791 6.3525200 7.65026 23.82040 7.87677
#4 0.056999 0.0454769 0.03771 0.94990 0.035302
#5 0.033999 0.0263720 0.02774 0.58076 0.017803
#6 0.032999 0.0286388 0.02785 0.58125 0.017604
#7 0.060998 0.0528450 0.03783 0.57926 0.033422
#8 0.060999 0.0536420 0.03807 0.57851 0.033546
#9 0.032999 0.0299869 0.02606 0.55443 0.017258
#10 0.033999 0.0235679 0.02593 0.54985 0.017839
#11 0.058999 0.0534279 0.06688 0.56929 0.030724
#12 0.059998 0.0676858 0.07563 0.57466 0.036788

3、lock-based add VS non-lock atomic add

使用atomic add和用lock来保护两者都能够实现正确的操作(顺序、原子、互斥),为什么前者比后者性能更好?

因为: lock-based存在lock contention,因此存在system call(system call的成本是比较高的)、存在blocking、等等,而atomic add则没有前面描述的内容。

4、infoq Lock-free Programming in C++ with Herb Sutter


5、stackoverflow Using Boost.Lockfree queue is slower than using mutexes # A

6、preshing Locks Aren't Slow; Lock Contention Is

Cooperative VS contention




1、preshing Acquire and Release Semantics

Generally speaking, in lock-free programming, there are two ways in which threads can manipulate shared memory: They can compete with each other for a resource, or they can pass information co-operatively from one thread to another. Acquire and release semantics are crucial for the latter: reliable passing of information between threads.


draft: lock-based VS non-lock

为什么使用atomic add比用lock来保护两者都能够实现正确的操作(顺序、原子、互斥)?

lock-based存在lock contention,存在system call:从user space到kernel space