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preshing/cpp11-on-multicore inmemorylogger

Source code



Shared variable/data

class InMemoryLogger
    struct Page
        std::unique_ptr<Page> next;
        std::atomic<int> index;     // This can exceed EVENTS_PER_PAGE, but it's harmless. Just means page is full.
        Event events[EVENTS_PER_PAGE];

        Page() :
    std::atomic<Page*> m_tail;

m_tailPage.index 就是shared variable/data,因此将它们都声明为std::atomic类型;

Double checked locking

在使用double checked locking来实现singleton时,只有当if (pInstance == 0)// 1st test满足的时候,才会进行lock,由于TOCTTOU,因此,在lock后,还需要进行第二次check: if (pInstance == 0)// 2nd test

inmemorylogger 中,也使用 double checked locking,它只有当当前page满的时候(1st test),它才需要进行allocate,才会进行lock,由于TOCTTOU,因此,在lock后,还需要进行第二次check: if (oldTail->index.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) < EVENTS_PER_PAGE)


    void log(const char* msg, size_t param = 0)
        std::atomic_signal_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst);    // Compiler barrier
        // On weak CPUs and current C++ compilers, memory_order_consume costs the same as acquire. :(
        // (If you don't like that, you can probably demote this load to relaxed and get away with it.
        // Technically, you'd be violating the spec, but in practice it will likely work. Just
        // inspect the assembly and make sure there is a data dependency between m_tail.load and
        // both subsequent uses of page, and you're golden. The only way I can imagine the dependency
        // chain being broken is if the compiler knows the addresses that will be allocated
        // in allocateEventFromNewPage at runtime, which is a huuuuuuuuuge leap of the imagination.)
        Page* page = m_tail.load(std::memory_order_consume);
        Event* evt;
        int index = page->index.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
        if (index < EVENTS_PER_PAGE)
            evt = &page->events[index];
            evt = allocateEventFromNewPage();   // Double-checked locking is performed inside here.
        evt->tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
        evt->msg = msg;
        evt->param = param;
        std::atomic_signal_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst);    // Compiler barrier



preshing The Purpose of memory_order_consume in C++11