本章记录阅读 lock free 主题的文章。
作者的写作思路: 先抛出问题,然后概述技术图景,然后自底向上地描述各种技术;
在 preshing Memory Reordering Caught in the Act 中,抛出问题;
在 preshing An Introduction to Lock-Free Programming 综述 lock-free programming的技术;
在下面两篇文章中描述各种可能的memory reordering,底层的、控制memory ordering的技术:
1、 compile-time: preshing Memory Ordering at Compile Time
2、runtime: preshing Memory Barriers Are Like Source Control Operations
在 preshing Weak vs. Strong Memory Models 中,讨论了hardware memory model,它决定了runtime memory ordering。
preshing Memory Reordering Caught in the Act
结合具体的例子来说明 memory reordering的存在,显然memory reordering是编写lock-free concurrent program的挑战、
1、memory barrier 和 full memory barrier
2、memory barrier 和 acquire-release semantic
preshing An Introduction to Lock-Free Programming
介绍了lock-free programming的技术总览
preshing Memory Ordering at Compile Time
介绍了compiler barrier,以及memory barrier 和 compiler barrier的关系。
Memory barrier 和 compiler barrier的关系
memory barrier 会产生 compiler barrier的效果,它们是 Implied Compiler Barriers。
关于这一点,在 preshing Memory Barriers Are Like Source Control Operations 中也有总结:
any operation which acts as a memory barrier also prevents compiler reordering.
preshing Memory Barriers Are Like Source Control Operations
介绍各种memory barrier,我们使用memory barrier的目的是: "You can enforce correct memory ordering on the processor by issuing any instruction which acts as a memory barrier. "
在高级programming language,比如C++中,各种memory semantic其实最终都是依赖于这些memory barrier instruction来实现的,关于这一点,在:
1、在 preshing Acquire and Release Semantics 中,有这样的介绍:
it’s not hard to see that acquire and release semantics can be achieved using simple combinations of the memory barrier types I described at length in my previous post.
Memory barrier and memory reordering
这篇文章所总结的四种memory barrier分别对应了四种memory reordering。
Memory reordering的基本原则
compiler、CPU进行memory reordering的基本原则
Memory model of CPU/hardware memory model
这是作者的系列文章都会涉及到的一个问题。主要是在文章 preshing Weak vs. Strong Memory Models 中进行了讨论。
控制memory ordering
控制runtime memory ordering
控制compile-time memory ordering
这涉及了compiler、programming language specialization,尤其是expression evaluation的问题
draft function call acts as a compiler barrier
在阅读Memory Reordering Caught in the Act的例子的source code的时候,发现了下面的内容:
class MersenneTwister
unsigned int m_buffer[MT_LEN];
int m_index;
MersenneTwister(unsigned int seed);
// Declare noinline so that the function call acts as a compiler barrier:
unsigned int integer() __attribute__((noinline));
显然,上述compiler barrier是compile-time对memory ordering进行控制。
下面是Google: function call acts as a compiler barrier
stackoverflow c++ atomic: would function call act as memory barrier?
preshing Memory Ordering at Compile Time
Fence VS atomic variable
在 preshing Acquire and Release Semantics # Without Fences in Portable C++11 中,对这个话题进行了讨论。