Outline of This Book
读一本书,首先看看作者是如何来组织内容的,也就是看看书的目录,在原书的《Outline of This Book》对此进行了说明。
这本书分为three parts:
在Part I,作者首先描述的是“fundamental ideas that underpin(支持) the design of data-intensive applications”,即设计一个data-intensive application的指导思想、理念,这些“ideas”是非常重要的,它指导着设计者进行设计,它们是设计者追求的目标,在文章想法的“意图决定最终的结果”中,对此有描述。
接着作者开始描述“data stored on one machine”相关的内容。
在Part II, 作者开始描述“ data that is distributed across multiple machines”
In Part I of this book, we discussed aspects of data systems that apply when data is stored on a single machine. Now, in Part II, we move up a level and ask: what happens if multiple machines are involved in storage and retrieval of data?
从single machine到multiple machine,《redis设计与实现(第二版)》也是按照这种思路来组织的。
在Part III,作者讨论的是integrate several different data system的问题。