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Consistency model

本章讨论consistency model。



multiple的各个entity之间保持consistency,在computer science中,主要是data 保持consistency。


Memory and database

在drdobbs Generic: Change the Way You Write Exception-Safe Code — Forever 中描述了这样的情况:

void User::AddFriend(User& newFriend)
    // Add the new friend to the vector of friends
    // If this throws, the friend is not added to
    //     the vector, nor the database
    // Add the new friend to the database
    pDB_->AddFriend(GetName(), newFriend.GetName());

This definitely causes consistency in the case of vector::push_back failing. Unfortunately, as you consult UserDatabase::AddFriend's documentation, you discover with annoyance that it can throw an exception, too! Now you might end up with the friend in the vector, but not in the database!


HA的一种方式是replication,这就同时存在着多个entity,如果是data system的话,就涉及如何保证这些entity之间的data的consistency。


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