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Distributed data store

感觉distributed data store/partition一定程度上是源自于**分而治之思想**。

wikipedia Distributed data store

A distributed data store is a computer network where information is stored on more than one node, often in a replicated fashion.[1] It is usually specifically used to refer to either a distributed database where users store information on a number of nodes, or a computer network in which users store information on a number of peer network nodes.

Distributed databases

Distributed databases are usually non-relational databases that enable a quick access to data over a large number of nodes. Some distributed databases expose rich query abilities while others are limited to a key-value store semantics. Examples of limited distributed databases are Google's Bigtable, which is much more than a distributed file system or a peer-to-peer network,[2] Amazon's Dynamo[3] and Windows Azure Storage.[4]

As the ability of arbitrary querying is not as important as the availability, designers of distributed data stores have increased the latter at an expense of consistency. But the high-speed read/write access results in reduced consistency, as it is not possible to have both consistency, availability, and partition tolerance of the network, as it has been proven by the CAP theorem.



zhuanlan MySQL:互联网公司常用分库分表方案汇总!


csdn 彻底搞清分库分表(垂直分库,垂直分表,水平分库,水平分表)

meituan 大众点评订单系统分库分表实践


redis Partitioning: how to split data among multiple Redis instances.

redis Redis cluster tutorial

Distributed hash table

参见 Distributed-hash-table 章节。