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What is event-driven model

Event-driven model概述

Event-driven model可以看做是一个**abstract machine**: 它需要持续不断地进行运转以**监控**事件源、收集event,一旦收集到了event,就进行dispatch,即根据event和event handler之间的映射关系,调用这个event对应的event handler。


可以使用Event-driven model来进行描述的问题的一个典型的模式就是: "当**某个事件(**event)发生的时候,就执行某个函数(event handler、callback)"。

现代programming language如何来描述这种模式呢?对比地看了一下,现代主流programming language都提供了**类似**的**programming model**来描述这种模式,比如:


使用这些programming model能够让programmer方便地来描述这种模式。总的来说它依赖于如下programming language feature:

1) First class function


1) Wikipedia First-class function

2) 工程programming-language的Theory\Programming-paradigm\Functional-programming章节

2) Fluent interface


1) Wikipedia Fluent interface

2) 工程programming-language的Theory\Programming-paradigm\Object-oriented-programming\Design-pattern\Fluent-API章节


callback-based notification。


理解event-driven model的最最简单的例子就是Linux OS kernel和hardware的交互,在工程Linux-OS的文章Linux-OS-kernel-is-event-driven中我们已经总结了可以使用Event-driven model来描述linux OS kernel和hardware的交互。在hardware层,一旦通电,则hardware就持续不断地运转起来了,一旦触发了interrupt,则它的**interrupt handler**就会被执行,Linux OS kernel维护了interrupt和interrupt handler之间的映射关系。

Event-driven model/machine的component(组成)

一个event-driven model的组成成分:

组成部分 是否必须 说明
monitor/listener yes 监控事件源、收集event
event和event handler之间的映射关系表 yes
message passing yes 传递信息,message queue/broker
dispatcher yes 派发event,即按照event和event handler之间的映射关系,通知executor执行event handler
executor yes 执行event handler

See also

martinfowler What do you mean by “Event-Driven”?

What is event?

Event是一个非常概括、宽泛的概念,在computer science中,非常多的行为都会产生event,我们把它称为source of event,我们可以将source of event划分为两类:

1) external environment

我们以自底向上的思路来分析源自external environment的event,一个computing system的最底层是hardware,hardware产生的interrupt,然后由OS kernel将这些interrupt“转换”为**signal**(现代programming language会使用**exception**来抽象**signal**)、IO event(因为IO的实现是依赖于interrupt的,IO包括了非常多的内容,用户操作、网络通信等都可以看做是IO,events can represent availability of new data for reading a file or network stream.)等,并通知到application process。

关于这一点,参见维基百科Event (computing)Event handler段。

2) 程序内部

Event可能源自于external environment,也可能源自于程序之内,即程序内部将一些条件等看做event,比如condition variable、timer。

TODO: 需要补充一些具体例子。

下面补充了维基百科Event (computing)来进行详细说明。

See also:

维基百科Event (computing)

Implementation of event-driven model

如何实现event-driven model?前面已经描述了even driven model的组成,显然我们需要分别实现这些component。由于event-driven model被广泛使用,它已经成为software engineering中的基础了,并且对于它研究已经非常成熟了,因此目前有非常多的、非常成熟的library,这在Library章节进行了总结。




在硬件层,只要通电后,则hardware就持续不断地运转起来了,一旦触发了interrupt,则它的interrupt handler就会被执行。在软件层,我们需要显式地使用一个 event loop 来指示整个model/machine需要不断地运转下去。

关于这一点,参见维基百科Event-driven programming的第二段。

建立event和event handler映射关系

Event-driven model肯定需要记录下event和event handler之间的映射关系,实现这种映射关系的方式是非常多的,可以显示地使用诸如map的数据结构。


案例 说明
Interrupt Descriptor Table 参见:
- 工程Linux-OS4.2-Interrupts-and-Exceptions4.2.3. Interrupt Descriptor Table
- 维基百科Interrupt descriptor table


所谓的event dispatcher是指当event发生时,event-driven model将event传递到executor,通知executor执行对应的handler。Dispatcher的实现方式是有executor决定的, 在下一节对此进行具体情况具体说明。

Executor: execution of event handler

如何来执行event handler?在决定如何来执行event handler的时候,开发者需要考虑如下问题:

1) event handler执行的成本,此处的成本可以有多种解释,比如,它可以表示event handler执行的时长、可以表示event handler执行的资源耗费

2) 并发性,同时发生的事件发生可能多,如何快速地处理这些事件呢?显然这就涉及了concurrency的问题,即并发地执行handler(event and concurrency)


Single process Multiple process
Single thread monitor和executor位于同一个线程,这种比较适合event handler的执行成本比较小的情况 monitor和executor分别处于两个不同的进程,这种情况dispatcher的实现显然涉及inter-process communication。
对于这种情况,可以将整体看做是一个event-driven system,也可以看做是多个event-driven system进行pipeline
Multi thread monitor和executor分别处于两个不同的线程,这种情况dispatcher的实现显然涉及到inter-thread communication

wikipedia Event-driven programming

In computer programming, event-driven programming is a programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by events such as user actions (mouse clicks, key presses), sensor outputs, or messages from other programs or threads. Event-driven programming is the dominant paradigm used in graphical user interfaces and other applications (e.g., JavaScript web applications) that are centered on performing certain actions in response to user input. This is also true of programming for device drivers (e.g., P in USB device driver stacks).

In an event-driven application, there is generally a main loop that listens for events, and then triggers a callback function when one of those events is detected. In embedded systems, the same may be achieved using hardware interrupts instead of a constantly running main loop. Event-driven programs can be written in any programming language, although the task is easier in languages that provide high-level abstractions, such as await and closures.

NOTE: 维基百科的这篇文章对event-driven programming总结地非常好。

Event handlers

Main article: Event handler

A trivial event handler

Because the code for checking for events and the main loop are common amongst applications, many programming frameworks take care of their implementation and expect the user to provide only the code for the event handlers.

NOTE: programming framework always do things common

In this simple example there may be a call to an event handler called OnKeyEnter() that includes an argument with a string of characters, corresponding to what the user typed before hitting the ENTER key. To add two numbers, storage outside the event handler must be used. The implementation might look like below.

Common uses

In addition, systems such as Node.js are also event-driven.




参见 ./Library

Case study

Case: Linux OS kernel

参见: Linux OS kernel is event-driven


一些关乎event-driven model的内容: