Futures and promises
dist-prog-book Futures and Promises
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wikipedia Futures and promises
In computer science, future, promise, delay, and deferred refer to constructs used for synchronizing program execution in some concurrent programming languages. They describe an object that acts as a proxy for a result that is initially unknown, usually because the computation of its value is yet incomplete.
NOTE: 上面所提及的proxy正是Proxy pattern的用法--Virtual Proxy
The term promise was proposed in 1976 by Daniel P. Friedman and David Wise,[1] and Peter Hibbard called it eventual.[2] A somewhat similar concept future was introduced in 1977 in a paper by Henry Baker and Carl Hewitt.[3]
The terms future, promise, delay, and deferred are often used interchangeably(互换), although some differences in usage between future and promise are treated below. Specifically, when usage is distinguished, a future is a read-only placeholder view of a variable, while a promise is a writable, single assignment container which sets the value of the future(promise用于设置future的值).[4] Notably, a future may be defined without specifying which specific promise will set its value, and different possible promises may set the value of a given future, though this can be done only once for a given future. In other cases a future and a promise are created together and associated with each other: the future is the value, the promise is the function that sets the value – essentially the return value (future) of an asynchronous function (promise). Setting the value of a future is also called resolving, fulfilling, or binding it.
NOTE: 这段话对future和promise的解释非常到位,其实它所阐述的就是"Promise-future communication channel",参见后面的"Promise-future communication channel"。
Futures and promises originated in functional programming and related paradigms (such as logic programming) to decouple a value (a future) from how it was computed (a promise), allowing the computation to be done more flexibly, notably by parallelizing it. Later, it found use in distributed computing, in reducing the latency from communication round trips. Later still, it gained more use by allowing writing asynchronous programs in direct style, rather than in continuation-passing style.
NOTE: 分离
Implicit vs. explicit
Use of futures may be implicit (any use of the future automatically obtains its value, as if it were an ordinary reference) or explicit (the user must call a function to obtain the value, such as the get
method of java.util.concurrent.Future
or java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
in Java). Obtaining the value of an explicit future can be called stinging or forcing. Explicit futures can be implemented as a library, whereas implicit futures are usually implemented as part of the language.
The original Baker and Hewitt paper described implicit futures, which are naturally supported in the actor model of computation and pure object-oriented programming languages like Smalltalk. The Friedman and Wise paper described only explicit futures(弗里德曼和怀斯论文仅描述了**explicit futures**), probably reflecting the difficulty of efficiently implementing implicit futures on stock hardware. The difficulty is that stock hardware does not deal with futures for primitive data types like integers. For example, an add instruction does not know how to deal with 3 + future factorial(100000)
. In pure actor or object languages this problem can be solved by sending future factorial(100000)
the message +[3]
, which asks the future to add 3
to itself and return the result. Note that the message passing approach works regardless of when factorial(100000)
finishes computation and that no stinging/forcing is needed.
Promise pipelining
NOTE: 此处的pipeline的含义是将多个promise连接起来。
The use of futures can dramatically reduce latency in distributed systems. For instance, futures enable promise pipelining,[5][6] as implemented in the languages E and Joule, which was also called call-stream[7] in the language Argus.
Consider an expression involving conventional remote procedure calls, such as:
t3 := ( x.a() ).c( y.b() )
which could be expanded to
t1 := x.a();
t2 := y.b();
t3 := t1.c(t2);
Each statement needs a message to be sent and a reply received before the next statement can proceed. Suppose, for example, that x
, y
, t1
, and t2
are all located on the same remote machine. In this case, two complete network round-trips to that machine must take place before the third statement can begin to execute. The third statement will then cause yet another round-trip to the same remote machine.
Using futures, the above expression could be written
t3 := (x <- a()) <- c(y <- b())
which could be expanded to
t1 := x <- a();
t2 := y <- b();
t3 := t1 <- c(t2);
The syntax used here is that of the language E, where x <- a()
means to send the message a()
asynchronously to x
. All three variables are immediately assigned futures for their results, and execution proceeds to subsequent statements. Later attempts to resolve the value of t3
may cause a delay(思考:此处的delay如何来理解); however, pipelining can reduce the number of round-trips needed(pipelining能够减少round-trip). If, as in the prior example, x
, y
, t1
, and t2
are all located on the same remote machine, a pipelined implementation can compute t3
with one round-trip instead of three. Because all three messages are destined for objects which are on the same remote machine, only one request need be sent and only one response need be received containing the result. Note also that the send t1 <- c(t2)
would not block even if t1
and t2
were on different machines to each other, or to x
or y
NOTE: 上面这段话对比了是否使用future所带来的优势。
Promise pipelining should be distinguished from parallel asynchronous message passing. In a system supporting parallel message passing but not pipelining, the message sends x <- a()
and y <- b()
in the above example could proceed in parallel, but the send of t1 <- c(t2)
would have to wait until both t1
and t2
had been received, even when x
, y
, t1
, and t2
are on the same remote machine. The relative latency advantage of pipelining becomes even greater in more complicated situations involving many messages.
Promise pipelining also should not be confused with pipelined message processing in actor systems, where it is possible for an actor to specify and begin executing a behaviour for the next message before having completed processing of the current message.
Read-only views
In some programming languages such as Oz, E, and AmbientTalk, it is possible to obtain a read-only view of a future, which allows reading its value when resolved, but does not permit resolving it:
NOTE: 只有当promise已经完成resolve的情况下,才允许read它的value,否则不允许去resolve它。
- In C++11 a
provides a read-only view. The value is set directly by using astd::promise
, or set to the result of a function call usingstd::packaged_task
Blocking vs non-blocking semantics
As an example of the first possibility, in C++11, a thread that needs the value of a future can block until it is available by calling the wait()
or get()
member functions. You can also specify a timeout on the wait using the wait_for()
or wait_until()
member functions to avoid indefinite blocking. If the future arose from a call to std::async
then a blocking wait (without a timeout) may cause synchronous invocation of the function to compute the result on the waiting thread.
List of implementations
Futures can be implemented in coroutines[27] or generators,[95] resulting in the same evaluation strategy (e.g., cooperative multitasking or lazy evaluation).
NOTE: C++ coroutine是基于promise、future概念的
Main article: Channel (programming)
Futures can easily be implemented in channels: a future is a one-element channel, and a promise is a process that sends to the channel, fulfilling the future.[96][97] This allows futures to be implemented in concurrent programming languages with support for channels, such as CSP and Go. The resulting futures are explicit, as they must be accessed by reading from the channel, rather than only evaluation.
NOTE: 这就是"Promise-future communication channel"。
Promise-future communication channel
"promise-future communication channel"是在cppreference std::promise中提出的,我觉得它非常好的描述了promise-future:
The promise is the "push" end of the promise-future communication channel: the operation that stores a value in the shared state synchronizes-with (as defined in std::memory_order) the successful return from any function that is waiting on the shared state (such as std::future::get).
在wikipedia Futures and promises的第二段中所总结的:
future: read-only placeholder/view of shared data
promise: set the value of the future
在wikipedia Futures and promises的"Channels"中也总结了相同的内容。
Futures and promises originated in functional programming
关于functional programming,参见工程programming-language的Theory\Programming-paradigm\Functional-programming
Application of future and promise
1) C++
stackoverflow What's the difference between a Future and a Promise?
softwareengineering What is the difference between a Future and a Promise?