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zookeeper ZooKeeper Recipes and Solutions

NOTE: 原文描述的各种solution在distributed computing中是典型的技术。

In this article, you'll find guidelines for using ZooKeeper to implement higher order functions. All of them are conventions implemented at the client and do not require special support from ZooKeeper. Hopefully the community will capture these conventions in client-side libraries to ease their use and to encourage standardization.

One of the most interesting things about ZooKeeper is that even though ZooKeeper uses asynchronous notifications, you can use it to build synchronous consistency primitives, such as queues and locks. As you will see, this is possible because ZooKeeper imposes an overall order on updates, and has mechanisms to expose this ordering.

NOTE: ZK将它的order暴露给了user

Out of the Box Applications: Name Service, Configuration, Group Membership

NOTE: 开箱即用的功能

Name service and configuration are two of the primary applications of ZooKeeper. These two functions are provided directly by the ZooKeeper API.

Another function directly provided by ZooKeeper is group membership. The group is represented by a node. Members of the group create ephemeral nodes under the group node. Nodes of the members that fail abnormally will be removed automatically when ZooKeeper detects the failure.




Two-phased Commit

Leader Election


zhuanlan.zhihu 为什么需要 Zookeeper