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Visitor Concepts

concept explanation
BFS Visitor Concept This concept defines the visitor interface for breadth_first_search(). Users can define a class with the BFS Visitor interface and pass and object of the class to breadth_first_search(), thereby augmenting the actions taken during the graph search.
DFS Visitor Concept This concept defines the visitor interface for depth_first_search(). Users can define a class with the DFS Visitor interface and pass an object of the class to depth_first_search(), thereby augmenting the actions taken during the graph search.
Dijkstra Visitor Concept This concept defines the visitor interface for dijkstra_shortest_paths() and related algorithms. ......
Bellman Ford Visitor Concept This concept defines the visitor interface for bellman_ford_shortest_paths(). ......
AStar Visitor Concept This concept defines the visitor interface for astar_search(). ......
EventVisitor Concept This concept defines the interface for single-event visitors. An EventVisitor has an apply member function (operator()) which is invoked within the graph algorithm at the event-point specified by the event_filter typedef within the EventVisitor. EventVisitor's can be combined into an EventVistorList.
Planar Face Visitor Concept This concept defines the visitor interface for planar_face_traversal.......
TSP Tour Visitor concept This concept defines the visitor interface for metric_tsp_approx() and related algorithms.